How Did uParcel Utilise Artificial Intelligence To Boost Delivery Efficiency?
22 July 2021

What Sparked The Collaboration With AISG?
As an on-demand delivery platform that supports a decentralized distribution model, uParcel delivers from point to point without warehouse consolidation. By tapping into our crowdsourced mobile network of delivery agents, we are able to provide our customers with a myriad of delivery options.
Using the uParcel mobile application, delivery bookings are matched up with our delivery agents in real-time, enabling the seamless fulfillment of on-demand delivery requests.
However, we realized that the absence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in our system impeded the efficiency of our delivery agents. The user experience for our agents was flawed as agents had to manually scroll through the delivery jobs on the uParcel app, and only the fastest fingers would secure the most coveted jobs.
This led to an unfavorable situation where multiple agents would accept different jobs but with similar pickup and drop-off points.
Hence, we decided to reach out to AI Singapore (AISG) in order to boost the efficiency of our delivery agents and enable them to operate at optimal capacities.
The Solution.
Our collaboration with AISG led to the development of a clustering algorithm that groups pick up and destination points based on proximity, freeing our system from the restriction of rigid postal regions - allowing us to achieve greater flexibility in job allocation.
With the newly adopted clustering algorithm developed by AI Singapore, we have the capability to present optimally grouped delivery jobs to our delivery agents, saving them time and allowing them to earn more in a single trip!
At the same time, our customers can enjoy an even faster and smoother pickup and delivery experience.
The AI solution is currently in the beta testing stage and is estimated to be fully implemented in June.
Check out AI Singapore!