How to start a vending machine business in Singapore?

31 Aug. 2024

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A vending machine business could be a great side hustle with a low maintenance cost and low startup capital as reported by Straits Times on  18 May 2024

1. Market Research and Planning  

  • Identify Target Market: Determine your target audience, such as office workers, students, or tourists, and choose products that appeal to them.

  • Product Selection: Decide what type of products you want to sell—food, drinks, snacks, or niche items like electronics or beauty products.

  • Competitor Analysis: Study existing vending machines in your target areas to understand competition, pricing, and product offerings.

  • Business Plan: Develop a business plan that outlines your goals, strategies, budget, and projected revenue.

2. Legal Requirements  

  • Business Registration: Register your business with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) in Singapore. Choose a business structure (e.g., sole proprietorship, partnership, or company).

  • Licensing and Permits:

    • Food Vending: If you plan to sell food or beverages, you may need a Food Shop License from the Singapore Food Agency (SFA).

    • Operators of food vending machines selling prepacked food that is obtained from SFA-licensed sources (without any in-machine food preparation) are not required to hold a SFA licence.


    • Only operators that deploy vending machines with in-machine food preparation; or for the sale of raw meat (including poultry) or seafood (including fish) must be licensed.

    • Health and Safety Compliance: Ensure your machines comply with local health and safety regulations, particularly for perishable goods.

    • GST Registration: If your projected annual revenue exceeds S$1 million, you need to register for Goods and Services Tax (GST).

3. Machine Procurement  

  • Choose Vending Machines: Decide on the type and number of vending machines based on your product offerings. Consider features like cashless payment options, energy efficiency, and temperature control.

  • Purchase or Lease: You can either buy the machines outright or lease them from a vending machine supplier. Leasing reduces upfront costs but involves ongoing payments.

4. Location Scouting  

  • Select Prime Locations: Secure locations with high foot traffic, such as office buildings, schools, hospitals, MRT stations, and malls. Negotiate rental agreements with property owners or management.

  • Site Permissions: Obtain permission from the property management or owner to place your vending machines on their premises.

5. Installation and Setup  

  • Delivery and Installation: Arrange for the delivery and installation of your vending machines at the selected locations. Ensure they are strategically placed for maximum visibility and accessibility.

  • Stocking: Stock the machines with your chosen products. Establish a regular schedule for restocking and maintenance.

6. Marketing and Branding  

  • Branding: Create a strong brand identity, including logos and designs for your machines.

  • Promotions: Run promotions, discounts, or loyalty programs to attract customers. Use social media and online platforms to reach a broader audience.

  • Signage: Ensure that your vending machines have clear signage with product information, pricing, and payment options.

7. Payment Solutions  

  • Cashless Payments: Equip your machines with cashless payment options such as NETS, PayNow, or credit/debit card readers. This is crucial in Singapore’s increasingly cashless economy.

  • Payment Integration: Ensure that payment systems are integrated smoothly, and customers can easily make transactions.

8. Inventory Management   and restocking of products

Working with a Fulfillment Partner for Storage and Logistics  

  • Choosing a Fulfillment Partner: Select a reliable fulfillment partner such as uParcel with experience in managing inventory for vending machine businesses. Consider factors such as location, storage capacity, and service offerings.

  • Storage Solutions:

    • Warehousing: uParcel can provide a secure, climate-controlledair conditioned or ambient warehouse to store your inventory. They will manage the stock levels and ensure that products are kept in optimal conditions.

    • Inventory Management System (IMS): uParcel offer advanced IMS to track your inventory in real-time. This system helps in managing stock levels, reordering products, and minimizing the risk of stockouts.

  • Order Fulfillment: When it’s time to restock your machines, you can place an order with uParcel. They will prepare the necessary items and either deliver them to your location.

  • Delivery Services: uParcel also offer delivery services, where they can transport the required stock to your vending machine locations. This service can save time and ensure that your machines are restocked promptly without you even touching your products.

  • Bulk Purchasing and Storage: Partnering with a fulfillment center allows you to purchase products in bulk, which can reduce costs. uParcel will store the bulk inventory and release smaller quantities as needed for restocking saving you the cost of renting warehouses and hiring any staff.


9. Maintenance and Servicing  

  • Routine Checks: Regularly check your machines for functionality, cleanliness, and stock levels. Respond quickly to any malfunctions or customer complaints.

  • Technical Support: Have a plan for technical support and repairs to minimize downtime.

10. Financial Management  

  • Monitor Finances: Keep detailed records of expenses, revenue, and profits. Use accounting software to track your finances.

  • Budgeting: Create a budget for ongoing costs like stock, maintenance, and location fees.

  • Tax Compliance: Ensure timely payment of taxes and adherence to all financial regulations.

11. Growth and Expansion  

  • Analyze Performance: Regularly assess the performance of each vending machine location and product line. Use this data to refine your strategy.

  • Expansion: Once the business is stable, consider expanding by adding more machines in new locations or diversifying product offerings.

12. Customer Service  

  • Feedback Mechanism: Provide a way for customers to give feedback or report issues. This could be through a phone number, email, or QR code linked to an online form.

  • Customer Satisfaction: Focus on delivering excellent customer service to build a loyal customer base. Respond promptly to any issues or complaints.

Starting a vending machine business in Singapore requires careful planning and consistent effort, but with the right strategy and working with the right fulfillment partner, it can be a easy and profitable venture.

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